Customer Feedback Form Your name* Your email* Please rate how satisfied you are from our services:* 1 - not happy, 2 - ok, 3 - happy, 4 - very happy, 5 - over the moon What service did you receive?* Scar TherapyLife CoachingMyofascial ReleaseGroup Meditation What went well?* What changes have you noticed as a result of the service?* Any suggestions to improve our services to you?* How has this service benefited you?* Do you believe the service has been value for money? YesNo If no, please give a reason... Would you have paid more? YesNo If yes, how much £ per hour... We would be grateful for a testimony of your experience with us. Write here... Do you agree for your testimony to be published on website/publication? YesNo Would you still like to remain on our mailing list for blogs or any promotions? You can opt out any time by contacting Let’s Grow. YesNo * denotes required field